Friday, November 30, 2018

Wednesday, 12/5 – Jeans Day for $1.00 donation.  Proceeds going to a THA family helping 
with foster  children.
Monday, 12/17 – Half Day – dismissal at 11:15 a.m.
Tuesday 12/18 – Half Day – dismissal at 11:15 a.m.  Movie day - Bring your favorite stuffed 
Wednesday 12/19 – Christmas Program in the gym.  We are planning to have a small reception 
in our Classroom after the program.  This will be a Christmas Potluck Brunch! Please bring 
 favorite dish to share.  We will provide plates and napkins. Students may be dismissed 
after the program/brunch for Christmas break!
            Thursday 12/20 – Sunday 1/6/19 – Holiday Break - NO SCHOOL
            Monday, 1/7/2019 – Teachers AND students return to school.


Theme for the week is Gingerbread.  We will be making our very own gingerbread houses.  
Please send in a CLEAN, empty square (half&half, orange juice milk) carton.  We will also 
bake gingerbread cookies and go on a gingerbread man hunt/adventure.
Letter of the week is “Zz”.  We will also begin reviewing all of our letters.  After Christmas 
break, we will begin handwriting and putting our letters together to form words/sentences.  
If your child is not able to recognize all letters, PLEASE continue working with them at 
home.  Using flash cards at home with your child will help reinforce letter and number 
 We will also continue saying our days of the week, months of the year and reciting the 
Pledge of Allegiance. 
            We will begin adding birthday, phone number and address to these skills as well.  Students  
             arworking hard to earn their stickers on their folders for saying all of these! 

Math concept of the week is counting to 70.

 We will always incorporate important character traits into our learning as well. We will work on responsibility this week! You can help with this at home too by giving simple chores/jobs for them to complete.  They may not do it as well as you would, but we are focusing more on being independent, not having to be reminded/told multiple times to do something, and then praising for a completed task! Sticker chore charts on the refrigerator are a great visual aid for reminding them of their tasks and allowing them to see their progress and gain a sense of pride for their accomplishments!