Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Please continue working with handwriting at home.  We are writing our first names and upper and lower case letters.  Remember "where do we start our letters?" - AT THE TOP! and we work from left to right and from top down to the bottom of the paper.  

Practice counting to 100 and begin memorizing your address.

Next week we will be celebrating the 100th Day of school.  Please send in 100 pennies with your child on Monday.  We will count them and then donate the money to JARM.  

Reminder that re-enrollment forms are due on Monday!!

Open House will be Tuesday, February 6th at 6pm.  Please come out and meet your child's teacher for next year.  We would also love for you to bring a friend!!

Grandparent's Day has been rescheduled for Friday, February 9th.

The book fair will be open next week.  It will be open before and after school.

Candy grams are on sale now.  They are $1.00 and will be delivered on Valentine's Day.  You may send a note in your child's folder stating who they are for and who they are from!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Pet Week!! 1/29-2/2

**  Friday, February 2 – Grandparents Day – Grandparents go the gym between 12-12:30.  Program will follow at 12:30 and then children will take grandparents on a tour of the school and visit the book fair.  I will have a book “wish list” available for you/grandparents to utilize to expedite this process. Children are then to come back to our classroom to give their gifts to their grandparents.  IF you do not have a grandparent available for that day, please let me know and I can arrange for a high school student to stand in for them.   

** Tuesday, February 6th – THA Open House night @ 6pm – Please join us and bring a friend – all those who attend get free admission to the varsity basketball games.

Wednesday, February 14 – Valentine’s Day – We will exchange valentines and have a small class party at the end of the day.  Cupcakes and drinks will be provided.  Attached is a list of student names.

Our class representatives for Valentine’s King and Queen are Lila and Reed.  They have jars in our classroom for any monetary donations you would like to send in support.  Coins are great!  This is a fundraiser for PTO with the winners with most money collected being announced at the program on Grandparents Day.

Save the Date:  The Kinderwing will have a Manner’s Banquet on Thursday, February 15th.  Parents are invited to attend.  More information coming soon.

Our theme for the week is Pet Week.  If you would like to bring in your family pet for show-n-tell for a few minutes, please let me know.  Dates and times available for pets are Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 8:00-8:-15 or 2:00-2:15.  Please send me a text and let me know if you will be doing this so I can plan accordingly. Thanks! 

We have started handwriting!  Encourage your students to practice writing their names and their letters at home.  We will be discussing beginning, middle and end concepts as well.

- Math concept for this week is counting 0-60