Monday, August 20, 2018

Week of 8/20 - 8/24/18

We have had a wonderful start to this new year! 


-PARENT meeting THIS Thursday, August 23rd @ 7:00P.M. in our classroom.

- We will be learning about our new friends in our class and discussing proper classroom behaviors, routines and procedures.  I have sent home a chipboard doll and info sheet.  Please return this “ME” doll no later than Wednesday, 8/22.

-We will begin letter and number awareness with introduction to letters “Aa” and “Bb” and numbers 1 and 2.  We will discuss objects and names that begin with each letter.  We will begin  introducing/reviewing  colors and shapes.

- One-to-one correspondence is the math concept of the week. We are also exploring AB patterns.

-We will always incorporate important character traits into our learning as well. We will work on sharing and taking turns this week!

Please send in a 4x6 family photo as soon as possible for our bulletin board.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Excited for a new school year in K4!

Are you ready for a fun and busy year in K4?  We are working hard to get every thing ready for our new friends and can't wait to meet everyone at the back to school bash on Tuesday 8/14! 
Image result for boho birds clipartAlso, please join me in welcoming Mrs. Holli Hodges to our K-wing/ Gateway to THA team!  She will be assisting me in the classroom this year and is super excited about joining the THA family!