Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Apple Week

Hope everyone enjoyed the extra long weekend!  This week we will be learning about apples, apples and more apples!  We will taste different types of apples and make apple turnovers for a special treat!  This week's letter is "M".
Don't forget mini-cheer camp will be Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon for those who have signed up with 'Lil Rebel/Mini Cheer Night at the football game this Friday!
Have a great week!

Happy Fall!

It's October already! Wow! How quickly the year is going by.  This week we are discussing our families.  We have drawn our families, made our houses and put our family members inside and will be making our family "tree".  We also graphed the "boys" and "girls" in all of our families - I put boys/girls in quotation marks simply because of this -  we were determining the boys and girls, we said moms are girls and dads are boys too - quote of the week..."Mrs. Smith, my dad's not a boy, he's a MAN!"  Love it...maybe I should post a quote of the week every week.  There is a never a dull moment, and moments like this make my job so much easier.  Out of the mouth of babes. :-)
Hope you all are enjoying this cooler weather as we attempt to dry out from the rain.  That beautiful golden circle in the sky finally decided to show it's face today!  Thank you Mr. Sunshine!!

This week’s letter is “N”.  Please continue to work with your child on the letters we have covered thus far, (F, E, D, P, B, R) – recognizing the letter, what sound does it make? and finding words beginning in those letters.  Make a game out of it on the way to school or while running errands...who can find the letter on a sign along the road?

Important dates:
Friday, October 9th – Lil Rebel Football Buddy forms due
Tuesday, October 13th – ALL donation items for silent auction should be turned in!
       Tuesday October 13th and Wednesday Oct 14th   - Mini-Cheer Camp K-4/K-5 for those who have signed up
Friday, October 16th - Silent Auction/Mini-Cheer and Lil Rebel Night at Football Game
Thursday, October 29th – Halloween Party