Monday, August 24, 2015

What a great first week!

First off, thank you for attending the Open House last week! I enjoyed the opportunity to speak with you about our class.

 We had a fabulous first week together! This week we will begin working in our Handwriting Without Tears book with the letter "F".   Our theme for the week is "All About Me".  We will measure our height and weight, talk about our favorite things, and our families.  Make sure you check your child's folder for his/her “Me” paper doll.  This is a family project - please decorate this any way that describes your child.  Be creative – you may use any medium/material you wish!  I would like to have these turned in no later than Wednesday, the 26th .  

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Welcome to K4!

August 14, 2015 -
Welcome to Mrs. Smith's K4!  We had a TERRIFIC first day of school!  We met new friends, danced, sang, created sparkling seahorses and went on our treasure hunt as we toured the campus.
Next week we will begin learning more about our daily routine and procedures, school and classroom rules and getting to know more about our new friends.
I am so excited to watch these precious little personalities emerge as they learn and have fun and can't wait to see what all this year has in store!!
Don't forget our Open House is Tuesday at 7:00pm!  Looking forward to seeing you there!