Friday, October 13, 2017

Week of 10/16 - 10/20

Friday 10/13 – “Pink out” – Wear pink tops to the football game vs. Dorchester Academy at 7:30 – Senior night before the game at 7:00 p.m.

Image result for haunted trail clipartThis is the first weekend of THA’s Haunted Trail – Come out and support our THA Haunted Trail fundraiser at the Blue Heron Nature Trail!! There will be plenty of fun and excitement (and not scary) opportunities for our little ones with bounce houses, face painting, carnival games, cotton candy, concessions and more!  TOMORROW from 7pm -midnight and Sunday 7-10 pm.  The THA Haunted Trail has a couple of pricing options.  If you wish to experience the trail and stay for the sights, the price is $15.  This includes 8 tickets to the carnival games sponsored by THA.  If you wish to come and enjoy the atmosphere, the cost is $5 and includes 6 tickets for the carnival games.  Extra tickets for the carnival games are available at the event.  Concessions are available at an additional cost.  Independent vendors will have pricing for their services not included in the cost of admissionStop by the concession stand and see me - I will have a surprise for you!    

These next couple of months will be busy with lots of fun projects.   If you did not send in a white pillow case at the beginning of the school year with the school supplies, please do so.  These will be used for Thanksgiving and are not the same ones we use for nap mats. 

Also, please send in an empty baby food jar by Thanksgiving.  We will be making a special dish the week of Thanksgiving.

Our theme for the week is Apples.  We will be learning about different apples, how they taste differently, graphing apples and making some fun apple recipes. 

Our letters for the week are “Rr” and “Ss”.  We will discuss objects and names that begin with each letter.  Children learn so much and can read so much at this age already simply from the world around them through sight words.  Help us build our letter collage by sending in word clippings/labels of household items beginning with the letters we have covered so far “A through S”   (ie Applesauce, Burger King, Cheerios, Danimals, Eggos, French’s, etc)  

- Math concept for this week is one-to-one correspondence and learning our birthdays. Please help with memorizing birthdays at home.

Last but not least, thank you all so much for the support and help you provide to me and your children! It makes the year so enjoyable when we are all working together for the benefit of our children!