Monday, December 5, 2016

Week of December 5-9, 2016

We only have 6 more full days and 3 half days until Christmas break!
This week we are continuing with Number sense and learning about the Twelve Days of Christmas.
A good number of our K4 friends have learned their phone numbers.  Continue working with your child at home singing the number to the tune of "Frere Jacques".  As we assess for second quarter, we want to see as many stickers on their folders as possible.  Practicing days, months, ABCs, phone number, birthday and seasons will continue to reinforce these at home.

A note about our Christmas Cookie Exchange on Thursday 12/15 went home today.  This will be in lieu of a gift exchange and will allow a fabulous memory making opportunity for you and your child to bake some Christmas cookies.

Half days with 11:15 dismissal are Wednesday 12/14, Thursday 12/15 and Friday 12/16.

Christmas Program is Friday 12/16 at 8:30 a.m in the gym.  Please dress children in their Christmas best and have them in our classroom by 8:00.