Saturday, February 6, 2016

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Open House this past Tuesday!  We had a great turnout and a fun time in the KinderWing - and a special thank you to Amy Smith and family for twisting balloons all evening.  I know the children enjoyed their balloon animals!
Also, thank you to all of the grandparents for making our 3rd annual Grandparents Day a huge success!  We had quite the turnout and the children were beaming with pride as they showed their grandparents their school.  The THA family is lucky to have you all!
Image result for knights clipart

Congratulations to our Outstanding Octopus for last week - Corey!
Our theme next week continues with Knights, Castles and Dragons! 
We will celebrate on Thursday with our culminating event - The Masquerade Ball!  If you have volunteered with setup, please be here no later than 7:45am
I can't wait to see all of our precious Knights and Princesses as they enter the Thomas Heyward Castle of Knowledge!
If your child will be staying for the remainder of the day after the ball, please send a bag lunch and a change of clothes.

Our letters of the week will be "A" and "I".
Congrats goes out to Sawyer for being the Outstanding Octopus for next week!

Also, candy grams are still being sold for $1.00 each 
We will have our Valentines Party on Wednesday the 10th.  You may send in valentines any day between now and the 10th.

Winter Weekend begins after the Ball with NO SCHOOL on Friday, Monday or Tuesday!  Happy Valentines and Enjoy your break!!  I will be travelling with the 7th grade class on their trip to Washington DC - please pray for safe travels and good health for all of those going.  

School resumes on Wednesday, 2/17.