Wednesday, August 27, 2014

WOOHOO!! It was a BANNER day today!!!

YAY! I am sooo happy to report that today was a banner day for K-4!  We did not have the first clothespin moved on our behavior chart!!  So EVERYONE stayed on green and had their choice of a smiley stamp or some "smelly" lotion at the end of the day.  
Just to review for you, we ALL begin every day on GREEN (We are respectful, responsible and ready to learn).  If there is a lack of the above green behavior, a clothespin is moved down to ORANGE (Uh oh - make better choices).  If better choices are exhibited, then the clothespin may be moved back up to orange OR can be moved up to PURPLE ('Owl'-standing behavior).  If things don't improve or if there is a behavior that is not tolerated (ie, biting, hitting, spitting, etc.) then the clothespin moves down to RED (note sent home).   
At the end of our day, we review are chart.  If you are on green, you have your choice of a smiley face stamp on your hand or "smelly" hand lotion (Bath & Body Works lotion).  If you made it to purple for the day, you get BOTH - a stamp and "smelly" lotion.  Unfortunately, orange gets nothing but a gentle reminder to make better choices tomorrow - as it will be a new day!!  
I hope this helps better understand our system and why you've been being asked to "smell my hands!!"  They absolutely LOVE it! And I am so proud of them!
I am loving getting to know each one of them better and am looking forward to what all we are going to learn about each other in the next couple of weeks of "All About Me"!  Thank you for sharing them with me! 
Their little personalities are really beginning to shine!

Friday, August 15, 2014

WELCOME to K-4!!!

   Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year for K-4!
All Free Teacher ResourcesWe had a great first day today! We met new friends and began learning the rules of our classroom and school.  We will continue to work on these in the weeks ahead as well.  We also took a tour of the entire school - be sure to ask yours what he/she remembers from the "I SPY" tour.  

And mostly, THANK YOU so much for sharing your precious little ones with me!  They have already stolen a place in my heart, and I look forward to watching them grow. We are going to have a fantastic year!