Monday, April 25, 2016

Week of April 25-29th

Thank you for attending our Spring Musical on Friday.  Our little frogs did a great job. They were so good and respectful during the entire performance.  I am so proud of them!!
Also thank you to everyone for your participation and donations for our Spring Gala.  It was a huge success!

We will be testing this week.  Please make sure your child gets a good night's rest, eats a good nutritious breakfast and arrives to school on time.

We will continue learning about reptiles and reviewing our letters and numbers.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

Marvelous Mom's Breakfast and Pig Pickin' with Dads- Friday, May 6th (Please have money turned in by Monday, May 2nd)

End of the Year Field Trip- Thursday, May 12th (Permission slip and money is due by Monday, May 9th)