Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hurricane Florence week 9/11-9/14

Well, this was not quite the week we had hoped for.  Fortunately, it looks like we are out of harm's way for the most part.  I hope and pray everyone stays safe and is able to enjoy this extra time with your family! 
This can be a stressful time for all as we await the landfall of Hurricane Florence, but it can also be a tremendous time of personal growth and learning for our little ones.  Today, simply practice with your child counting to twenty.  It is great stress relief for all of us! 
Throughout the week, whether you have stayed home or are evacuating, point out objects to your child.  Ask them the shape or the color.  If you're on the road travelling, play an alphabet game along the way.  Look for letters on billboards or signs - try to make it through the alphabet in alphabetical order.
We have covered letters A-F thus far.  Have your child practice writing these letters.  (ie...play with playdo - roll out a "snake" and form the letters, write letters in the dirt with a stick, play with flash cards)
Hopefully we will be back to "normal" on Monday!  See you then!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Week of 9/10 - 9/14

-      Thank you to everyone who contributed to our class basket for tonight’s silent auction!   Silent Auction begins at 4pm!!  Middle School football team plays at 4. Varsity Football vs. Hilton Head Prep 7:30pm 
-      PTO Cookie Dough Sales continue!  Please SELL, SELL, SELL!!  Final turn in date is Friday, 9/14
-      Wednesday, 9/19 – Progress Reports
-      9/17-21 Spirit Week!  Homecoming 9/21  7:30pm
-      Friday, 9/21 – Jeans Day Spirit Wear – no charge

Theme for the week is COLORS AND SHAPES.  -We will begin letter and number awareness with introduction to letters “Ff” and “Gg” and numbers 5 and 6.  We will discuss objects and names that begin with each letter. 
- One-to-one correspondence is the math concept of the week. We are also exploring AB patterns (alternating back and forth between two colors, ie red/green/red/green/red/green) and counting to 30.